domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

The questions for the table games related to water

One of our work in the second year of our Comenius Project was to prepare at least one table game related to water. They can be online games or table games. We chose table game. We have been working in it since the beginning of this school year. The students who were involved in this work were students of 12, 13 and 14 years old. It was a hard work but at last we have three table games (The penguin 007, The sunken ship and The water game), as you can see in others post.
We have questions and test which are necessary to past to win the game.
If you want to test your knowledge about water you can try to answer our questions.
Here they are:

1.      What percentage of water on earth is fresh?
2.      What percentage of water on earth is salty?
3.       What is the chemical structure of the molecule of water?
4.      What percentage of people in the world lack access to drinking water?
5.       What percentage of our body contains water?
6.       Name two water purification systems.
7.       What warm stream affects the Atlantic coasts of Europe? 
8.       Why are the tides produced?
9.       How often are the tides produced?
10.   How many tides are there in a day?
11.  What are the names of the tides that occur during the day?
12.   What percentage of water is used in the agriculture approximately?
13.  What is the percentage of water used for domestic purposes approximately?
14.   How many litters of water does a person use a day in Europe?
15.  Name two abiotic factors of water.
16.   Name at least three organisms which can live in the water.
17.  Why some of the organisms on the abyssal zone have a luminous part on their body?
18.  What is the biggest marine animal?
19.  Name 3 the most common species of seaweed.
20.  What are the agents that produce eutrophication?
21.  What is the main pollutant of the water produced by agriculture?
22.  What is the main pollutant produced by the domestic activities?
23.  What is the main source of nitrogen that pollutes the rivers?
24.   What is the reason that in some waters there is green colour?
25.   What are the main biological pollutants?
26.   Where is the biggest rate of deaths because of the polluted water?
27.   Is it correct to say that if the temperature of water is high, the amount of dissolved oxygen is high too?
28.  What is the oldest lake in the world?
29.  What is the longest river in the world?
30.  What is the depth of the Dead Sea?
31.  Where is the Baikal Lake situated?
32.  What is the widest river in the world?
33.  What Spanish explorer discovered the Amazon River?
34.  In what country does the river Yangtze flow?
35.  What is the largest source of fresh water?
36.  Which is the sea saltiest: North Sea, Dead Sea or Baltic Sea?
37.  How many litters of water are used to produce 1 kg of paper?
38.  Who is called the God of Seas in Greek mythology?
39.  Name three rivers that belong to top 5 of the longest rivers.
40.   Name the strait that separate Europe from Asia in Istambul.
41.  Where is The Great Barrier Reef located?

Good luck! 

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