miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

The resume of the project "Water, the spring of life"

It is said that all good things come to the end. Unfortunatelly, the project "Water, the spring of life" also has finished. Therefore, the event, resuming all the activities and assignements, was held in the school's library. Pupils made presentations about the countries they visited, and the teachers explained what has been accomplished along two years.

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2013

Flashcards: Water dictionary

Here are the flashcards prepared by the italian school (Sara Brunno).

Spanish words

Italian words

Turkish words

French words

Estonian words

The last activity of our Comenius project

On Tuesday afternoon from 16.00 to 18.30, approximately, we are going to hold a meeting in the school library with the teachers, students and parents involved in the Comenius project. The aim of this meeting is to put a perfect end to these unforgettable years we spent working with students and teachers of Turkey, Italy, Estonia and France.
We will show a summary of the work we carried out along these two years and the students will share with their parents and us the best moments of the four meetings we held.

At the end we will enjoy some snacks prepared by teachers and parents.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


In the morning we visited Tallinn Vesi, a water company that provides drinking water to the city of Tallinn

After that we visited the city of Tallinn

Teacher Meli organized a photo hunt. Students were divided in groups. Every group had 2 estonians students and a map. They had to find some sights and take photos representing water symbols

Organizing the groups.

In the afternoon we visited the Seaplane Harbour (Maritime) Museum

Last day in estonia

Today we have been visiting Tallin. It's our last day here. Just a few hours left but we start to miss our Comenius friends!

In the Lennusadam museum

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013