miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Preparation for the "Table game"

This is how our Comenius team is preparing for the „Table game“.

Every Wednesday, since early morning the students gather in the library and begin to read books, search information on the internet, debate, discuss and prepare questions about the water. The students are eager to know more and more. They are certain that water is essential for a person‘s good mood, health. Without water it would be impossible to exist for any living being,  as water is the spring of life.
While preparing for the game, students got aware of the importance of water for our planet. They found out how to recognise drinkable and undrinkable water, what are the qualities of a drinkable water, the dangers of polluting, the use of water, aquatic vegetation. Our students will use all their knowledge while preparing the „table game“ and we hope to have a great time while playing it during our next meeting.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

Hola, Ferrol!

My name is Vilma and I am a Comenius assistant in Ferrol in Instituto de Ensenanza Secundaria Concepcion Arenal. I will stay here until middle of June. Galicia welcomed me in warmer way than I expected. I mean not only the weather, but also a warm welcome in my school. I enjoy my first meetings with teachers and students and I am looking forward to contribute my knowledge and experience in the learning process. Ferrol is a nice and cozy city and I already start to feel here like at home.
In Lithuania it is already snowing....