viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

Ten ways to save water

Another activity for our water awareness week was to aware the students about the necessity of saving  water in their daily life. We summarized it in ten ways to save water: 
1. Use shower instead of bath.
2. Close the tap to avoid unnecessary leaks.
3.  Repair the taps if they are leaking.
4. Use cisterns with a device which allows to select a big or small water flow.
5.  Don’t throw solids to WC in order avoid to use the cistern unnecessary.
6.  When you brush your teeth, take a shower or wash your dishes don’t waste the water.
7. Use the electrical appliance in whole charge
8.   Water the gardens with programmed watering and in early mornings or at dawn.
9.    Don’t wash the cars every week and do it in an automatic car wash.
10. If the car is washed by hand, don’t do it with a hose, use only a sponge and a bucket.
After that, we asked the students to show them in a poster. Most of them were made in Arts classes in ESO.  Above you can see a selection of them.

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