miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Preparation for the "Table game"

This is how our Comenius team is preparing for the „Table game“.

Every Wednesday, since early morning the students gather in the library and begin to read books, search information on the internet, debate, discuss and prepare questions about the water. The students are eager to know more and more. They are certain that water is essential for a person‘s good mood, health. Without water it would be impossible to exist for any living being,  as water is the spring of life.
While preparing for the game, students got aware of the importance of water for our planet. They found out how to recognise drinkable and undrinkable water, what are the qualities of a drinkable water, the dangers of polluting, the use of water, aquatic vegetation. Our students will use all their knowledge while preparing the „table game“ and we hope to have a great time while playing it during our next meeting.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

Hola, Ferrol!

My name is Vilma and I am a Comenius assistant in Ferrol in Instituto de Ensenanza Secundaria Concepcion Arenal. I will stay here until middle of June. Galicia welcomed me in warmer way than I expected. I mean not only the weather, but also a warm welcome in my school. I enjoy my first meetings with teachers and students and I am looking forward to contribute my knowledge and experience in the learning process. Ferrol is a nice and cozy city and I already start to feel here like at home.
In Lithuania it is already snowing....

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

Welcoming Vilma

Last Monday Vilma Berontaite, our Comenius assistant, arrived to Ferrol. She is from Lithuania and she speaks English and Spanish very well. This week we had several meetings with her to show her our school and to plan her schedule for this  year. She is going to support both English classes and activities of our project. Next Tuesday will be her first day with our Comenius students. We hope this year  is very fruitful for both her and our Comenius team.

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Last day in Capadoccia (Turkey)

Yesterday we have a very busy day. IN the morning we visited Derincuyu, a surrounded city.

After that, Ilhara valley

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

Today, we started our Comenius meeting in Turkey. We went to school at 9 am and turkish students welcome us with a fantastic show.
After that, a lady taught us how to paint designs on paper. You can see the results.

Our students, Roque, Marta, Andrea e Irene showed our work about legends. They did it very well.

We ate in the "atrium" of one mosque. I think we come back fater. Kebab every day is too much, ja, ja!

In the afternoon, we went to Goreme. Fantastic landscape, amazing, surprising .......ing!!!! Vry, very beautiful.

Going to Cavushin and Goreme to see the sunset.

In Cavushim, typical woman.

At the end, it rains a lot

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012


Yesterday we landed in Istambul at 4 pm. A lot of queues in the airport to pass the visa and passport control. Finally we arrived at hotel at 7 pm.
We were walking along the streets and we saw Galata bridge and some mosques which are illuminated and with and fantastic atmosphere. We were looking forward Gran Bazzaar and this photo is near  it.

This morning  we visited The Gran Bazaar, the Spyci Bazaar, Santa Sofía Adn Blue Mosque.

Andrea, Marta and Irene going to the Blue Mosque

Washing feet before the entrance in a mosque

New meeting of our Comenius project

Today, the teachers Mª José Campello and Paco Gallego and the students Andrea , Roque, Marta and Irene of 2nd of ESO left for Turkey  to meet the others schools involved in our program.  This is the fourth meeting we held and they are going to spend five days in Kayseri, the town where the Turkish school is located. The works for this meeting are legends and stories related to water. Ten legends and stories were written by our students.
We are sure these days are going to be fabulous because Turkish people are very very friendly.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Water cycle

Iñaqui Beceiro made this poster about water cycle

Roque, Irene, Marta and Andrea made this poster about water supply system and water treatment in Ferrol

viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Good news for our Comenius team

This week we have been given some good news, next school year we are going to have a Comenius Assistant here with us. She is a Lithuanian teacher named Vilma. Elena Yáñez one of our English teachers will be her mentor. They were in touch by email and Vilma is very interested in this program. I think she will be a breath of fresh air in our Comenius project. She will arrive in October, but I'm looking forward to knowing her.

sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

Votacion logos

Comenius IESCA logos

Comenius IESCA logos

Votación para elegir los 4 logos que representarán a nuestro instituto en el proyecto Comenius "Water. The spring of life"

01 Logo Comenius (Irene Castro Reguera)

02 Logo Comenius (Marta Castro Romaní)

03 Logo Comenius Esperanza 04 Web

04 Logo Esperanza 2bis

05 Logo Varja 3

06 Logo bescos 1

07 Logo roque 2

08 Logo roque 3

sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

Next week in Sicily

Next Wednesday three teachers and six students of our school are going to leave to Augusta. We are going to spend three days with all our Comenius friends. We are looking forward to leaving. See you in Augusta.

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Microorganisms in the water

Last friday,  students 1º ESO, Roque, Marta, Iñaqui, Andrea and Irene collected a sample of water in a puddle  of rainwater from the school courtyard and they  let it  with some  leaves in descomposition in the laboratory for several days .

 They wanted to see the microrganisms in the water. This afternoon, they could see some microorganisms under the microscopy like some species of ciliates and flagellates.